These classes and workshops focus on the underlying fundamental principles of the universe and how we interact with them for creation, prayer, and magick.  
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The Seven Hermetic Principles

Presented by Kathy Meadowlark Dawe and Breighton Dawe

Extend the scope and effectiveness of your magickal workings!  This discussion covers ancient truths expressed in the Seven Hermetic Principles, explaining how they affect everything from daily choices to magickal endeavors.  Tune-up your magick and personal life through deeper understanding of these archaic keys, opening doors to more fulfilling experiences.

Chambered Nautalis
Text Box: As Above So Below . . .  Bode's Law in astronomy avers that we find the same proportional harmonics  in our solar system that we find in a Chamber Nautilis.   Above & below sustained by the one life breath of our living universe . . .

Hermetic alchemy is the art and science of self- transformation through knowledge.  We often think of alchemy as being a secret process that changes lead into gold.  We speak of it in terms of refining the soul here.

The Seven Hermetic principals are the universal laws governing life on earth.  Every major religion has one or even a few woven within their teachings.  At first these principles seemed to be abstract and difficult to connect to everyday life.  However, after coming to a deeper understanding of them, I can see them woven throughout the fabric of many aspects of life.  I can see how my unspoken beliefs and subtle prejudices drive me and the world I unconsciously create.  I have used these principals to help reshape the way I think.  I see how we hold limiting ideas that keep us stuck.  May the connection to these principles bring you more potential than you ever dreamed of.